(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Successful requests: 2,937,282
Average successful requests per day: 8,047
Successful requests for pages: 1,330,324
Average successful requests for pages per day: 3,644
Failed requests: 679,977
Redirected requests: 20,247
Distinct files requested: 4,712
Distinct hosts served: 514,535
Corrupt logfile lines: 142
Data transferred: 25.389 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 71.230 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Each unit () represents 4,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ------: ------: Jan 2006: 225035: 108476:Busiest month: Nov 2006 (140,779 requests for pages).Feb 2006: 236725: 110817:
Mar 2006: 289158: 137938:
Apr 2006: 296070: 133225:
May 2006: 255043: 117891:
Jun 2006: 179797: 82698:
Jul 2006: 169752: 78965:
Aug 2006: 170227: 76998:
Sep 2006: 232194: 102691:
Oct 2006: 294233: 126763:
Nov 2006: 326511: 140779:
Dec 2006: 262499: 113079:
Jan 2007: 38: 4:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Each unit () represents 5,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: ------: ------: Sun: 389185: 178091:Mon: 471589: 214377:
Tue: 479423: 213884:
Wed: 471945: 212094:
Thu: 453381: 202298:
Fri: 369478: 169270:
Sat: 302281: 140310:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Each unit () represents 2,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: reqs: pages: --: ------: -----: 0: 111086: 51970:1: 90951: 44581:
2: 74100: 37378:
3: 65298: 33572:
4: 63236: 32852:
5: 60874: 32070:
6: 62004: 31983:
7: 70220: 35317:
8: 93442: 45613:
9: 119630: 55089:
10: 136681: 61936:
11: 149700: 66681:
12: 155943: 68318:
13: 164602: 72028:
14: 166093: 71867:
15: 160399: 68786:
16: 158121: 68463:
17: 152148: 66972:
18: 147827: 62859:
19: 147631: 64697:
20: 151421: 67144:
21: 151255: 66795:
22: 151259: 64918:
23: 133361: 58435:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: directory -------: ------: --------- 2420424: 81.31%: /kangaroo/ 431781: 13.34%: /t/ 12158: 3.53%: /alog/ 48638: 1.21%: [root directory] 17014: 0.32%: /cgi-sys/ 2560: 0.17%: /resume/ 1906: 0.06%: /from_jiaying/ 1568: 0.05%: /ink_people/ 423: 0.02%: http:// 810: 0.01%: [not listed: 8 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension -------: ------: --------- 1123484: 57.86%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 375333: 12.97%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 683659: 10.41%: .gif [GIF graphics] 122549: 9.31%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 518299: 5.58%: .JPG 84291: 1.64%: [directories] 795: 0.90%: .wmv 375: 0.43%: .png [PNG graphics] 17012: 0.32%: .cgi 155: 0.12%: .WMV 11330: 0.46%: [not listed: 374 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: -------: ------: 0: 310460: : 1b- 10b: 1168: : 11b- 100b: 12358: : 101b- 1kb: 52384: 0.09%: 1kb- 10kb: 1717712: 19.42%: 10kb-100kb: 834864: 73.98%: 100kb- 1Mb: 8324: 6.45%: 1Mb- 10Mb: 12: 0.06%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code -------: ----------- 2650103: 200 OK 8800: 206 Partial content 20247: 301 Document moved permanently 278379: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 561: 400 Bad request 2: 401 Authentication required 2619: 403 Access forbidden 675996: 404 Document not found 422: 405 Method not allowed 284: 408 Request timeout 15: 414 Requested filename too long 3: 416 Requested range not valid 75: 501 Request type not supported
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last date: file ------: ------: ---------------: ---- 502058: 3.94%: 1/Jan/07 00:00: /kangaroo/2clorbar.JPG 455229: 1.89%: 1/Jan/07 00:00: /kangaroo/up.gif 69958: 4.96%: 31/Dec/06 23:52: /kangaroo/Timeline.htm 37752: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 23:04: /kangaroo/new2.gif 34131: 4.11%: 31/Dec/06 23:45: /kangaroo/8Comparison.htm 33380: 1.85%: 31/Dec/06 23:04: /kangaroo/LiberalFAQ.htm 26615: 0.41%: 31/Dec/06 22:56: / 424: 0.01%: 30/Dec/06 02:14: /?ref=votay.com 23952: 0.31%: 31/Dec/06 17:26: /kangaroo/THE_GREAT_DEPRESSION.htm 23059: 0.34%: 31/Dec/06 21:26: /kangaroo/Causes.htm 21343: 0.65%: 31/Dec/06 23:19: /kangaroo/L-reversediscrimination.htm 21311: 3.17%: 31/Dec/06 22:50: /kangaroo/L-hitler.htm 21288: 0.95%: 31/Dec/06 23:50: /kangaroo/L-healthcare.htm 20121: 0.48%: 31/Dec/06 20:27: /kangaroo/L-welfareblack.htm 18104: 1.33%: 31/Dec/06 23:24: /kangaroo/L-hitlerdemo.htm 17867: 0.49%: 31/Dec/06 22:45: /kangaroo/L-abortion.htm 17012: 0.32%: 31/Dec/06 22:47: /cgi-sys/Count.cgi 16671: 1.20%: 31/Dec/06 20:10: /kangaroo/Keynesianism.htm 14983: 1.38%: 31/Dec/06 23:04: /kangaroo/L-guncontrol.htm 14444: 2.05%: 31/Dec/06 19:06: /kangaroo/L-liberalmedia.htm 14020: 0.81%: 31/Dec/06 22:39: /kangaroo/Einstein.htm 13694: 1.88%: 31/Dec/06 23:55: /kangaroo/L-gunownership.htm 13560: 0.60%: 31/Dec/06 22:13: /kangaroo/L-aamodel.htm 13201: 0.53%: 31/Dec/06 23:40: /kangaroo/L-inferiorIQ.htm 13082: 0.38%: 31/Dec/06 21:41: /kangaroo/L-globalwarming.htm 12610: 0.80%: 31/Dec/06 22:45: /kangaroo/L-toughcrime.htm 12548: 1.27%: 31/Dec/06 23:20: /kangaroo/L-gold.htm 12401: 0.82%: 31/Dec/06 23:16: /kangaroo/4Inequality.htm 11802: 1.07%: 31/Dec/06 22:06: /kangaroo/L-welfarepoverty.htm 11743: 0.24%: 31/Dec/06 22:47: /kangaroo/tenets.htm 11728: 0.60%: 31/Dec/06 21:14: /kangaroo/L-aahelp.htm 10684: 0.43%: 31/Dec/06 19:21: /kangaroo/L-liberalism.htm 11: : 24/Dec/06 16:01: /kangaroo/L-liberalism.htm?userid=Givesmart&userip=;+Googlebot/2.1;++http://www.google.com/bot.html) 11: : 28/Dec/06 12:15: /kangaroo/L-liberalism.htm?userid=Givesmart&userip=;+Googlebot/2.1;++http://www.google.com/bot.html) 10433: 0.49%: 31/Dec/06 23:57: /kangaroo/L-thinkingchristians.htm 10073: 0.66%: 1/Jan/07 00:00: /kangaroo/L-bibleforbids.htm 9904: 0.35%: 31/Dec/06 20:06: /kangaroo/L-chinairu.htm 9530: 0.78%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-spectrumfive.htm 9380: 1.27%: 31/Dec/06 22:34: /kangaroo/CIAtimeline.html 9358: 0.48%: 1/Jan/07 00:00: /kangaroo/L-rights.htm 9009: 0.09%: 31/Dec/06 23:47: /kangaroo/Quotes.htm 8708: 0.43%: 31/Dec/06 23:03: /kangaroo/L-IQgapgenetic.htm 8629: 0.08%: 31/Dec/06 20:57: /kangaroo/ 8027: 1.10%: 31/Dec/06 21:29: /kangaroo/L-chichile.htm 7836: 1.06%: 31/Dec/06 12:20: /kangaroo/L-chicoase.htm 7647: 0.21%: 31/Dec/06 21:35: /kangaroo/Coup.htm 7552: 0.85%: 31/Dec/06 17:35: /kangaroo/L-poorcrime.htm 7330: 0.48%: 31/Dec/06 22:54: /kangaroo/NoChristmas.html 7293: 0.35%: 31/Dec/06 23:06: /kangaroo/23More.htm 7163: 0.09%: 31/Dec/06 22:53: /kangaroo/First100days.htm 6883: 0.09%: 31/Dec/06 23:24: /kangaroo/L-welfarequeen.htm 6854: 0.10%: 31/Dec/06 18:45: /kangaroo/L-switzerland.htm 6787: 0.06%: 31/Dec/06 22:23: /kangaroo/L-gunskill.htm 6693: 0.08%: 31/Dec/06 23:51: /kangaroo/L-murderersalive.htm 6672: 0.31%: 31/Dec/06 22:02: /kangaroo/L-carterreagan.htm 6666: 0.26%: 31/Dec/06 22:58: /kangaroo/L-chimonetarism.htm 6641: 0.52%: 31/Dec/06 16:38: /kangaroo/L-personhood.htm 6543: 0.94%: 31/Dec/06 21:06: /kangaroo/ShortFAQ.htm 6518: 0.14%: 31/Dec/06 23:38: /kangaroo/L-clintonjonesperjury.html 6142: 0.21%: 31/Dec/06 22:55: /kangaroo/L-runawaywelfare.htm 5978: 1.11%: 31/Dec/06 23:55: /kangaroo/L-overclass.html 5929: 0.45%: 31/Dec/06 17:53: /kangaroo/L-socialism.htm 5890: 0.30%: 31/Dec/06 22:01: /kangaroo/L-taxcollections.htm 5865: 0.27%: 31/Dec/06 23:58: /kangaroo/L-clintonperjury.html 5661: 0.12%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-NBA.htm 5648: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 23:25: /kangaroo/1THE_REAGAN_YEARs.htm 5557: 0.23%: 31/Dec/06 22:41: /kangaroo/L-morrel.htm 5400: 0.26%: 31/Dec/06 01:47: /kangaroo/L-taxgrowth.htm 5399: 0.20%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-15point.htm 5249: 0.31%: 31/Dec/06 22:42: /kangaroo/L-thinktank.htm 5073: 0.19%: 31/Dec/06 22:07: /kangaroo/L-deregulation.htm 4987: 0.11%: 31/Dec/06 05:39: /kangaroo/Events1920s.htm 4899: 0.33%: 31/Dec/06 22:45: /kangaroo/L-nosociety.htm 4891: 0.52%: 31/Dec/06 22:12: /kangaroo/L-bibleatrocities.html 4874: 0.04%: 31/Dec/06 17:42: /kangaroo/Summary.htm 4861: 0.16%: 31/Dec/06 17:49: /kangaroo/L-welfareincentive.htm 4844: 0.34%: 31/Dec/06 19:39: /t/image_collections/rand_comics/ 4755: 0.18%: 31/Dec/06 15:35: /kangaroo/L-chikeynes.htm 4487: 0.27%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-harvardberkeley.htm 4456: 0.32%: 31/Dec/06 10:58: /kangaroo/L-richmerit.htm 4317: 0.22%: 31/Dec/06 05:20: /kangaroo/L-envirocapitalism.htm 4283: 0.16%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-secondamendment.htm 4188: 0.04%: 31/Dec/06 23:46: /kangaroo/L-chimain.htm 4161: 0.29%: 31/Dec/06 20:44: /kangaroo/L-bibleconservative.htm 4120: 0.15%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-CJSpoor.htm 4109: 0.17%: 31/Dec/06 23:52: /kangaroo/3Taxes.htm 4089: 0.10%: 31/Dec/06 20:56: /kangaroo/L-poorfat.htm 4084: 0.10%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-west.htm 4014: 0.25%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-PowerDistribution.html 3868: 0.03%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-aaquotas.htm 3859: 0.38%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-sciencechristianity.htm 3857: 0.20%: 31/Dec/06 23:04: /kangaroo/L-chilucas.htm 3847: 0.30%: 31/Dec/06 18:08: /kangaroo/L-homoeconomicus.htm 3819: 0.10%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-murderersdeserve.htm 3793: 0.04%: 31/Dec/06 23:35: /kangaroo/Pinto.htm 3763: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 23:54: /kangaroo/L-dropout.htm 3700: 0.16%: 31/Dec/06 23:00: /kangaroo/L-socialbreakdown.htm 3642: 0.16%: 31/Dec/06 23:50: /kangaroo/7Welfare.htm 3592: 0.14%: 31/Dec/06 20:36: /kangaroo/L-collegeglut.htm 3571: 0.11%: 31/Dec/06 20:51: /kangaroo/L-abortiontrauma.htm 3548: 0.34%: 31/Dec/06 22:38: /kangaroo/reagan.gif 3534: 0.18%: 31/Dec/06 19:23: /kangaroo/Inequality&Health.htm 3500: 0.12%: 31/Dec/06 21:51: /kangaroo/L-ozone.htm 3397: 0.30%: 31/Dec/06 20:43: /kangaroo/L-governmentsize.html 3386: 0.06%: 31/Dec/06 22:52: /kangaroo/Help_the_Fight.html 3338: 0.19%: 31/Dec/06 20:51: /kangaroo/L-environheal.htm 3245: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 17:52: /kangaroo/L-endmeans.htm 3221: 0.09%: 31/Dec/06 20:26: /kangaroo/L-creationscience.htm 3216: 0.23%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-bellcurvescience.htm 3172: 0.14%: 31/Dec/06 23:52: /kangaroo/L-growth.htm 3162: 0.22%: 31/Dec/06 23:57: /kangaroo/L-spectrumone.htm 3061: 0.18%: 31/Dec/06 20:01: /kangaroo/L-clintonrightwingconspiracy.html 3001: 0.08%: 31/Dec/06 20:51: /kangaroo/L-welfaremothers.htm 2997: 0.10%: 31/Dec/06 10:38: /kangaroo/L-mobility.htm 2979: 0.13%: 31/Dec/06 20:08: /kangaroo/L-fortyyears.htm 2902: 0.16%: 31/Dec/06 21:59: /kangaroo/L-chinobel.htm 2822: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 17:19: /t/ 174: : 30/Dec/06 21:40: /t/?N=D 2806: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-recession1982.htm 2789: 0.11%: 31/Dec/06 21:23: /kangaroo/L-intentions.htm 2781: 0.17%: 31/Dec/06 19:41: /kangaroo/L-corporatewelfare.htm 2702: 0.07%: 31/Dec/06 21:35: /kangaroo/Quotes-sciencevsreligion.htm 2661: 0.03%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-welfarelazy.htm 2638: 0.09%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-clintonstarr.html 2618: 0.13%: 31/Dec/06 23:19: /kangaroo/L-propertyrights.htm 2617: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 22:44: /kangaroo/L-democracy.htm 2611: 0.27%: 31/Dec/06 21:01: /kangaroo/L-spectrumfour.htm 2604: 0.14%: 31/Dec/06 13:00: /kangaroo/L-contract.htm 2555: 0.20%: 31/Dec/06 21:32: /kangaroo/L-intervention.htm 2551: 0.09%: 31/Dec/06 12:49: /kangaroo/glossary.htm 2540: 0.06%: 31/Dec/06 20:51: /kangaroo/L-edumoney.htm 2526: 0.03%: 31/Dec/06 21:01: /kangaroo/GDPreal.htm 2501: 0.11%: 31/Dec/06 18:49: /kangaroo/L-chiintro.htm 2500: 0.08%: 31/Dec/06 15:32: /kangaroo/L-capgainsspur.htm 2489: 0.13%: 31/Dec/06 18:00: /kangaroo/6Economy.htm 2485: 0.13%: 31/Dec/06 04:21: /kangaroo/L-oldliberalmedia.htm 2484: 0.14%: 31/Dec/06 23:28: /kangaroo/L-welfarecharity.htm 2446: 0.03%: 31/Dec/06 19:59: /kangaroo/Resume.htm 2439: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 19:56: /kangaroo/L-ausmain.htm 2378: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 20:02: /kangaroo/L-morality.htm 2371: 0.08%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-plainmeaning.htm 2370: 0.15%: 31/Dec/06 19:52: /kangaroo/L-commonsense.htm 2365: 0.06%: 31/Dec/06 21:59: /kangaroo/Quotes-science.htm 2353: 0.04%: 31/Dec/06 22:31: /kangaroo/L-qualified.htm 2352: 0.14%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-pc.html 2321: 0.09%: 31/Dec/06 15:38: /kangaroo/L-taxestheft.htm 2309: 0.06%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-capitalgains.htm 2278: 0.04%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-christianrepublic.htm 2263: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 23:50: /kangaroo/84More.htm 2189: 0.07%: 31/Dec/06 22:27: /kangaroo/32More.htm 2157: 0.07%: 31/Dec/06 20:51: /kangaroo/L-IQpredicts.htm 2149: : 31/Dec/06 23:39: /kangaroo/huppi_notapp.html 2134: 0.21%: 31/Dec/06 18:10: /kangaroo/L-exploit.htm 2133: 0.08%: 31/Dec/06 23:41: /kangaroo/L-spectrumthree.htm 2127: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-sat.htm 2123: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-thermodynamics.htm 2113: 0.03%: 31/Dec/06 14:50: /kangaroo/Quotes-age.htm 2111: 0.06%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-environcreation.htm 2102: 0.10%: 31/Dec/06 22:15: /kangaroo/L-libmedia.htm 2081: 0.10%: 31/Dec/06 23:34: /kangaroo/5Debt.htm 2070: 0.01%: 30/Dec/06 20:15: /alog/ 2046: 0.19%: 31/Dec/06 10:13: /kangaroo/glossaryac.htm 2038: 0.19%: 31/Dec/06 12:26: /kangaroo/glossaryjn.htm 2033: 0.03%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-welfarejobs.htm 2032: 0.07%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-presidentsresponsible.htm 2015: 0.04%: 31/Dec/06 14:59: /kangaroo/Fed.htm 2002: 0.04%: 31/Dec/06 18:06: /kangaroo/L-evolutiontheory.htm 1975: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 15:00: /kangaroo/41More.htm 1974: 0.21%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-vouchers.htm 1949: 0.05%: 31/Dec/06 19:59: /kangaroo/TaxTimeline.htm 1940: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 21:37: /kangaroo/Quotes-humannature.htm 1934: 0.06%: 31/Dec/06 19:09: /kangaroo/L-intelligentdesign.htm 1881: 0.07%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-privatization.htm 1877: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 23:58: /kangaroo/2before80s.htm 1863: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 20:10: /kangaroo/GOVERNMENT_SUCCESS_STORIES.htm 1845: 0.08%: 31/Dec/06 10:43: /kangaroo/Marketfailures.htm 1842: 0.07%: 31/Dec/06 23:29: /kangaroo/Quotes-fools.htm 1833: 0.04%: 31/Dec/06 09:22: /kangaroo/Aboutme.htm 1830: 0.08%: 31/Dec/06 21:21: /t/image_collections/rand_comics/osama-bush-sex.jpg 1830: 0.03%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-taxshare.htm 1805: 0.03%: 31/Dec/06 20:00: /kangaroo/L-welfaretrillions.htm 1802: 0.23%: 31/Dec/06 18:10: /kangaroo/L-kellermann.htm 1783: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 19:57: /kangaroo/HISTORICAL_ECONOMIC_STATISTICS.htm 1748: 0.07%: 31/Dec/06 21:12: /kangaroo/Invisible.htm 1728: 0.15%: 31/Dec/06 15:00: /kangaroo/L-spectrumtwo.htm 1696: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 23:30: /kangaroo/Quotes-philosophy.htm 1657: 0.06%: 31/Dec/06 19:52: /kangaroo/L-aagroups.htm 1630: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 19:58: /kangaroo/L-welfaretrap.htm 1606: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 23:34: 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/t/f_other/zGAAA.html 354: : 31/Dec/06 06:51: /t/code/pms/ 352: : 31/Dec/06 19:52: /t/f_this_site/zBABA.html 350: : 30/Dec/06 03:28: /t/f_other/zGABA.html 350: : 31/Dec/06 09:21: /t/f_friends/zCAEA.html 343: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 20:15: /kangaroo/FedReceipts&Spending.htm 343: : 31/Dec/06 14:51: /t/f_this_site/zBAFA.html 342: : 30/Dec/06 02:32: /t/f_proj/zEACACA.html 341: : 31/Dec/06 16:17: /t/f_me/zFACACA1.html 340: 0.02%: 30/Dec/06 18:53: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/ 337: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 22:26: /kangaroo/awards.htm 336: : 30/Dec/06 17:41: /t/f_friends/zCADA.html 336: : 30/Dec/06 19:03: /t/f_proj/zEACABA.html 336: : 30/Dec/06 21:47: /t/f_me/zFAEAAA.html 335: : 30/Dec/06 22:41: /t/f_this_site/zBAEAAA.html 335: : 30/Dec/06 06:57: /t/f_proj/zEAAAAA.html 335: : 30/Dec/06 10:21: /t/f_this_site/zBACABA.html 334: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 05:02: /t/image_collections/alaska_june_03/misc_alaska/ 331: 0.01%: 30/Dec/06 16:37: /t/image_collections/alaska_june_03/me_dad_fish/ 327: : 31/Dec/06 10:44: 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298: : 30/Dec/06 19:44: /t/code/pms/df/cur_ref/ 297: : 30/Dec/06 15:10: /t/f_this_site/zBAEADA.html 296: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 03:23: /t/image_collections/alaska_june_03/anc_to_seward_n_homer/ 296: : 30/Dec/06 13:00: /t/image_collections/allegany/misc_testing_etc/ 295: : 29/Dec/06 15:07: /t/f_proj/zEACAAA.html 294: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 18:38: /t/image_collections/allegany/amar_may_2002/ 293: : 31/Dec/06 16:30: /t/image_collections/alaska_june_03/trip_up_and_back/ 292: : 31/Dec/06 02:03: /t/f_other/zGADA4.html 290: : 30/Dec/06 11:43: /t/f_me/zFAEABA.html 290: : 30/Dec/06 12:12: /t/f_other/zGADA3.html 289: : 31/Dec/06 09:06: /kangaroo/Msub04.htm 289: 0.01%: 30/Dec/06 08:53: /t/image_collections/allegany/upriver_river_deck_road/ 288: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 22:31: /t/image_collections/allegany/coos_bay_to_cabin/ 281: 0.01%: 30/Dec/06 16:37: /t/image_collections/allegany/wf_roadside_work/ 279: 0.01%: 30/Dec/06 08:52: /t/image_collections/allegany/downriver_trails_river_road/ 278: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 04:35: /t/image_collections/allegany/mushrooms_10-04/ 275: : 31/Dec/06 11:30: /kangaroo/Msub01.htm 274: 0.02%: 30/Dec/06 16:41: /t/image_collections/india_june_03/mysore/ 274: : 30/Dec/06 21:18: /t/f_friends/zCABAAA3.html 273: : 31/Dec/06 15:08: /t/image_collections/alaska_june_03/carvings/ 272: : 31/Dec/06 22:45: /resume/pr.html 266: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 22:20: /alog/images/ 38: : 31/Dec/06 06:12: /alog/images/?M=A 36: : 31/Dec/06 10:47: /alog/images/?S=A 35: : 31/Dec/06 22:20: /alog/images/?N=D 33: : 30/Dec/06 19:18: /alog/images/?N=A 30: : 31/Dec/06 08:03: /alog/images/?S=D 18: : 24/Dec/06 02:11: /alog/images/?D=A 15: : 30/Dec/06 21:41: /alog/images/?D=D 266: : 31/Dec/06 08:47: /kangaroo/Msub10.htm 263: 0.02%: 30/Dec/06 21:56: /t/image_collections/india_june_03/to_india/ 261: : 30/Dec/06 16:49: /t/f_me/zFAFA1.html 258: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 17:37: /t/bookmarks.html 256: : 31/Dec/06 12:29: /kangaroo/Msub14.htm 256: : 31/Dec/06 20:15: /t/f_proj/zEAAAAAAA.html 255: : 31/Dec/06 17:01: /kangaroo/Msub23.htm 252: : 31/Dec/06 17:37: /kangaroo/Msub34.htm 252: : 31/Dec/06 03:51: /t/f_me/zFADAAAorig.html 251: : 31/Dec/06 22:53: /kangaroo/Msub33.htm 248: : 31/Dec/06 09:21: /kangaroo/Msub26.htm 247: : 31/Dec/06 09:24: /kangaroo/Msub03.htm 247: : 31/Dec/06 10:10: /kangaroo/Msub29.htm 246: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 22:31: /t/image_collections/india_june_03/from_india/ 245: : 31/Dec/06 11:29: /kangaroo/Msub06.htm 241: : 29/Dec/06 03:52: /kangaroo/Msub17.htm 240: : 31/Dec/06 09:38: /t/f_me/zFADAAA_000103.html 240: 0.02%: 30/Dec/06 16:41: /t/image_collections/india_june_03/nandi_hills/ 239: : 31/Dec/06 17:45: /kangaroo/Msub25.htm 238: : 31/Dec/06 08:45: /kangaroo/Msub20.htm 238: : 31/Dec/06 13:45: /t/f_me/zFACABA2.html 238: : 31/Dec/06 22:04: /kangaroo/Msub27.htm 237: : 31/Dec/06 04:31: /t/f_me/sw_eng_work/ 234: : 31/Dec/06 08:47: /kangaroo/Msub07.htm 233: : 31/Dec/06 20:53: /t/f_this_site/zBAEABA.html 232: : 31/Dec/06 09:28: /kangaroo/Msub11.htm 232: : 29/Dec/06 03:54: 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/t/image_collections/ak_melis_04/.thumbnails/?M=D 11: : 29/Dec/06 02:31: /t/image_collections/ak_melis_04/.thumbnails/?S=D 10: : 23/Dec/06 14:22: /t/image_collections/ak_melis_04/.thumbnails/?D=D 177: : 26/Dec/06 16:25: /t/f_me/zFADABABA.html 176: : 31/Dec/06 09:06: /t/f_me/zFABABA.html 171: 0.02%: 31/Dec/06 23:51: /t/image_collections/ak_bb_04/.thumbnails/ 30: : 31/Dec/06 23:05: /t/image_collections/ak_bb_04/.thumbnails/?S=A 29: : 30/Dec/06 19:09: /t/image_collections/ak_bb_04/.thumbnails/?M=A 14: : 30/Dec/06 12:26: /t/image_collections/ak_bb_04/.thumbnails/?N=D 14: : 19/Dec/06 23:42: /t/image_collections/ak_bb_04/.thumbnails/?D=A 11: : 30/Dec/06 08:54: /t/image_collections/ak_bb_04/.thumbnails/?M=D 11: : 27/Dec/06 13:47: /t/image_collections/ak_bb_04/.thumbnails/?S=D 11: : 26/Dec/06 04:51: /t/image_collections/ak_bb_04/.thumbnails/?N=A 164: : 31/Dec/06 14:13: /t/f_this_site/zBAEACAAA.html 156: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 07:42: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/.thumbnails/ 26: : 31/Dec/06 00:50: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/.thumbnails/?D=A 26: : 31/Dec/06 07:42: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/.thumbnails/?S=A 21: : 30/Dec/06 21:43: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/.thumbnails/?D=D 16: : 28/Dec/06 08:34: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/.thumbnails/?M=A 14: : 30/Dec/06 22:12: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/.thumbnails/?N=A 11: : 24/Dec/06 22:04: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/.thumbnails/?N=D 10: : 21/Dec/06 10:31: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/me/.thumbnails/?M=D 153: 0.01%: 31/Dec/06 13:51: /t/image_collections/browning_03/.thumbnails/ 28: : 31/Dec/06 05:26: /t/image_collections/browning_03/.thumbnails/?S=A 16: : 31/Dec/06 05:40: /t/image_collections/browning_03/.thumbnails/?S=D 13: : 30/Dec/06 15:56: /t/image_collections/browning_03/.thumbnails/?N=A 13: : 30/Dec/06 15:54: /t/image_collections/browning_03/.thumbnails/?D=A 12: : 30/Dec/06 16:01: /t/image_collections/browning_03/.thumbnails/?M=A 11: : 26/Dec/06 08:37: /t/image_collections/browning_03/.thumbnails/?N=D 10: : 31/Dec/06 07:57: /t/image_collections/browning_03/.thumbnails/?M=D 142: : 31/Dec/06 23:21: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/eri/.thumbnails/ 28: : 29/Dec/06 15:32: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/eri/.thumbnails/?N=D 28: : 31/Dec/06 03:56: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/eri/.thumbnails/?S=A 27: : 29/Dec/06 17:45: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/eri/.thumbnails/?D=A 11: : 23/Dec/06 22:44: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/eri/.thumbnails/?N=A 11: : 30/Dec/06 13:48: /t/image_collections/japan_early_06/eri/.thumbnails/?M=A 139: : 31/Dec/06 04:12: /t/image_collections/grandpa_cem_2004/.thumbnails/ 34: : 31/Dec/06 04:12: /t/image_collections/grandpa_cem_2004/.thumbnails/?S=A 14: : 28/Dec/06 06:23: /t/image_collections/grandpa_cem_2004/.thumbnails/?D=A 12: : 25/Dec/06 07:11: /t/image_collections/grandpa_cem_2004/.thumbnails/?N=D 12: : 25/Dec/06 20:37: /t/image_collections/grandpa_cem_2004/.thumbnails/?N=A 12: : 29/Dec/06 10:07: /t/image_collections/grandpa_cem_2004/.thumbnails/?M=A 11: : 26/Dec/06 13:49: /t/image_collections/grandpa_cem_2004/.thumbnails/?S=D 132: : 25/Dec/06 10:30: /t/f_me/zFADABACA.html 120: : 29/Dec/06 12:03: /t/image_collections/browning_04/.thumbnails/ 15: : 24/Dec/06 01:40: /t/image_collections/browning_04/.thumbnails/?N=A 13: : 25/Dec/06 13:45: /t/image_collections/browning_04/.thumbnails/?S=A 12: : 22/Dec/06 18:46: /t/image_collections/browning_04/.thumbnails/?N=D 12: : 26/Dec/06 01:16: /t/image_collections/browning_04/.thumbnails/?D=A 11: : 26/Dec/06 14:50: /t/image_collections/browning_04/.thumbnails/?M=D 11: : 20/Dec/06 23:20: /t/image_collections/browning_04/.thumbnails/?M=A 116: : 31/Dec/06 20:57: /t/politics/articles/ 20: : 29/Dec/06 00:40: /t/politics/articles/?S=A 19: : 30/Dec/06 02:38: /t/politics/articles/?N=D 14: : 31/Dec/06 00:41: /t/politics/articles/?D=A 10: : 29/Dec/06 01:59: /t/politics/articles/?M=A 108: : 31/Dec/06 21:36: /t/f_me/zFADABAAA.html 101: : 31/Dec/06 23:49: /t/politics/ 18: : 31/Dec/06 04:09: /t/politics/?N=D 15: : 29/Dec/06 23:49: /t/politics/?D=A 15: : 31/Dec/06 22:15: /t/politics/?S=A 13: : 26/Dec/06 20:54: /t/politics/?M=A 13: : 28/Dec/06 07:33: /t/politics/?N=A 30: : 30/Dec/06 15:12: /mail_pics/ 25: : 29/Dec/06 23:28: /t/politics/euro_iraq/ 590274: 24.61%: 1/Jan/07 00:00: [not listed: 3,773 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: site -------: ---- 1601129: http://www.huppi.com/ 359241: http://www.google.com/ 33916: http://huppi.com/ 33387: http://search.yahoo.com/ 23816: http://www.google.ca/ 22082: http://www.google.co.uk/ 18438: http://search.msn.com/ 16529: http://www.ask.com/ 9940: http://www.google.com.au/ 6693: http://images.search.yahoo.com/ 6490: http://www.stumbleupon.com/ 5541: http://en.wikipedia.org/ 3579: http://www.google.co.in/ 3385: http://www.bigissueground.com/ 3201: http://www.unmediated.org/ 3142: 2791: http://profile.myspace.com/ 2756: http://www.dogpile.com/ 2361: http://www.hitler.org/ 2252: http://www.google.de/ 2049: http://www.google.com.ph/ 1886: 1817: http://aolsearch.aol.com/ 1550: http://www.google.fr/ 1382: 1365: http://www.answers.com/ 1347: http://www.google.co.nz/ 1309: http://www.google.co.za/ 1197: http://www.google.nl/ 1180: http://www.google.com.sg/ 103323: [not listed: 6,559 sites]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 20 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term ------: ----------- 6639: causes of the great depression 6463: reverse discrimination 5711: keynesian theory 4841: monkeys 3966: favorite quote 3960: affirmative action statistics 3113: natural rate of unemployment 2898: the great depression 2269: timeline of the great depression 1989: gold standard 1964: abortion is murder 1860: welfare statistics 1791: gun control laws 1671: liberal media 1448: model minority 1367: great depression 1332: great depression timeline 1325: hitler 1288: pictures of the great depression 1237: deregulation 436645: [not listed: 203,576 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 20 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term -------: ----------- 94103: the 76468: of 62705: depression 59706: great 42669: in 33371: and 26423: welfare 23230: statistics 19839: rate 18771: is 17961: people 17119: to 16295: on 14138: affirmative 14086: action 13993: gun 13838: us 13651: unemployment 13133: abortion 13049: crime 1439393: [not listed: 19,685 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 20 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: browser -------: ------- 1945548: MSIE 557506: Netscape 216342: Netscape (compatible) 36738: msnbot 22620: Java 21278: Opera 21155: Yahoo-MMCrawler 14976: msnbot-media 4669: Googlebot-Image 4565: ichiro 4136: ShopWiki 3786: noxtrumbot 3347: ia_archiver 3132: Googlebot 2516: Gigabot 2491: IRLbot 1950: Lynx 1828: Lycos_Spider_(modspider) 1628: psycheclone 1592: Baiduspider+(+http: 48345: [not listed: 1,463 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing operating systems with at least 1 request, sorted by the number of requests.
no.: reqs: OS ---: -------: -- 1: 2366858: Windows : 1855916: Windows NT : 418912: Unknown Windows : 85459: Windows 98 : 5272: Windows 95 : 911: Windows 32-bit : 332: Windows CE : 40: Windows 2000 : 10: Windows 3.1 : 6: Windows 16-bit 2: 395633: OS unknown 3: 132617: Macintosh : 116140: Macintosh PowerPC : 16470: Unknown Macintosh : 7: Macintosh 68k 4: 24494: Unix : 20617: Linux : 2789: FreeBSD : 942: SunOS : 66: OpenBSD : 39: Other Unix : 27: NetBSD : 8: AIX : 4: HP-UX : 2: IRIX 5: 499: WebTV 6: 27: OS/2 7: 13: RISC OS 8: 5: Amiga 9: 2: BeOS
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)