(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to 06-Jan-2000 01:29).
Successful requests: 234,917 (1,230)
Average successful requests per day: 643 (175)
Successful requests for pages: 66,845 (353)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 183 (50)
Failed requests: 10,148 (41)
Redirected requests: 695 (2)
Distinct files requested: 2,164 (235)
Distinct hosts served: 62,326 (443)
Corrupt logfile lines: 4
Data transferred: 1.633 Gbytes (7.929 Mbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 4.584 Mbytes (1.132 Mbytes)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Each unit () represents 300 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: -----: -----: Jan 1999: 11620: 2028:Busiest month: Nov 1999 (10,338 requests for pages).Feb 1999: 11148: 1859:
Mar 1999: 15211: 2991:
Apr 1999: 13275: 2472:
May 1999: 18568: 5676:
Jun 1999: 19740: 6144:
Jul 1999: 19825: 6176:
Aug 1999: 21952: 6057:
Sep 1999: 21499: 5641:
Oct 1999: 23861: 7298:
Nov 1999: 30050: 10338:
Dec 1999: 28168: 10165:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Each unit () represents 250 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: -----: -----: Sun: 26640: 8298:Mon: 36521: 9985:
Tue: 37536: 9942:
Wed: 38828: 10840:
Thu: 36132: 9498:
Fri: 35280: 10481:
Sat: 23980: 7801:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Each unit () represents 100 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: reqs: pages: --: -----: -----: 0: 8847: 3073:1: 7280: 2205:
2: 7363: 2302:
3: 8873: 3662:
4: 6678: 1784:
5: 6185: 1724:
6: 6577: 1761:
7: 6628: 1775:
8: 8392: 2067:
9: 9982: 2320:
10: 11699: 2851:
11: 11865: 2814:
12: 12462: 3025:
13: 12292: 3153:
14: 12611: 3331:
15: 13067: 3443:
16: 11659: 3134:
17: 11635: 3430:
18: 11228: 3955:
19: 9713: 3072:
20: 10697: 3515:
21: 10075: 2934:
22: 9775: 2655:
23: 9334: 2860:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: directory ------: ------: --------- 157182: 62.67%: /t/ 62955: 32.86%: /kangaroo/ 10847: 3.58%: [root directory] 703: 0.71%: /lsw/ 2998: 0.13%: /cgi-sys/ 19: 0.03%: /misc/ 213: 0.03%: [not listed: 8 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension ------: ------: --------- 141718: 54.70%: .gif [GIF graphics] 27989: 17.24%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 15891: 14.70%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 29622: 7.58%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 36: 3.25%: .zip [Zip archives] 9234: 1.47%: [directories] 5780: 0.56%: .JPG 1049: 0.25%: .class [Java class files] 2998: 0.13%: .cgi 600: 0.11%: [not listed: 12 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: ------: ------: 0: 25198: : 1b- 10b: 6: : 11b- 100b: 205: : 101b- 1kb: 10734: 0.24%: 1kb- 10kb: 160660: 49.00%: 10kb-100kb: 38078: 47.45%: 100kb- 1Mb: 13: 0.14%: 1Mb- 10Mb: 23: 3.17%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code ------: ----------- 212476: 200 OK 1264: 206 Partial content 694: 301 Document moved permanently 1: 302 Document found elsewhere 21177: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 2: 400 Bad request 233: 401 Authentication required 1: 403 Access forbidden 9729: 404 Document not found 180: 408 Request timeout 1: 500 Internal server error 1: 501 Request type not supported 1: 5xx [Miscellaneous server errors]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last date: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 71373: 22.77%: 31/Dec/99 23:51: /t/watch/abdicon.gif 4859: 1.10%: 31/Dec/99 23:18: /t/zCABA.html 3699: 0.94%: 31/Dec/99 20:32: /t/ 3538: 0.30%: 31/Dec/99 21:18: / 2998: 0.13%: 31/Dec/99 23:50: /cgi-sys/Count.cgi 1928: 0.55%: 31/Dec/99 23:50: /kangaroo/tenets.htm 1845: 1.05%: 31/Dec/99 23:50: /kangaroo/LiberalFAQ.htm 1443: 0.19%: 31/Dec/99 20:36: /kangaroo/ 936: 0.26%: 31/Dec/99 11:07: /t/BeginPage.html 740: 0.11%: 31/Dec/99 05:38: /kangaroo/1THE_REAGAN_YEARs.htm 716: 0.21%: 29/Dec/99 19:02: /t/zFAAA.html 664: 0.06%: 31/Dec/99 14:01: /t/zCABAAA3.html 590: 0.08%: 30/Dec/99 18:17: /t/zEAAABA.html 575: 1.27%: 31/Dec/99 19:55: /kangaroo/ShortFAQ.htm 561: 0.11%: 30/Dec/99 20:22: /t/zBAAAAA.html 558: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 18:18: /t/StartFrames.html 524: 0.07%: 31/Dec/99 22:04: /kangaroo/Quotes.htm 523: 0.07%: 31/Dec/99 22:06: /t/zFACAAA.html 514: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 18:18: /t/tLsteNav.html 513: 0.04%: 30/Dec/99 23:38: /t/zCABAAA1.html 428: 0.12%: 31/Dec/99 19:52: /kangaroo/Help_the_Fight.html 422: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 23:45: /t/zCABAAA2.html 401: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 15:56: /t/zCABAAA6.html 386: 0.06%: 31/Dec/99 15:36: /t/zCA.html 385: 0.41%: 30/Dec/99 01:02: /kangaroo/NoChristmas.html 381: 0.30%: 31/Dec/99 13:46: /kangaroo/23More.htm 372: 0.06%: 28/Dec/99 11:37: /t/zGADA.html 369: 0.03%: 30/Dec/99 23:17: /t/zEACACA.html 337: 0.03%: 30/Dec/99 23:40: /t/zCABAAA4.html 333: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 02:04: /t/zCABAAA5.html 323: 1.00%: 31/Dec/99 21:15: /kangaroo/L-overclass.html 321: 0.02%: 31/Dec/99 14:00: /t/octhouse.html 313: 0.33%: 30/Dec/99 19:39: /kangaroo/4Inequality.htm 289: 0.02%: 31/Dec/99 20:36: /lsw/ 285: 0.16%: 31/Dec/99 04:05: /kangaroo/L-secondamendment.htm 280: 0.62%: 31/Dec/99 17:21: /kangaroo/L-liberalmedia.htm 279: 0.55%: 31/Dec/99 18:48: /kangaroo/CIAtimeline.html 277: 0.03%: 30/Dec/99 18:19: /t/zEA.html 273: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 11:07: /t/zFA.html 273: 0.51%: 31/Dec/99 16:27: /kangaroo/8Comparison.htm 272: 0.16%: 31/Dec/99 03:48: /kangaroo/glossary.htm 260: 0.05%: 30/Dec/99 18:19: /t/zBA.html 257: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 18:00: /t/zBAEACA.html 253: 0.05%: 31/Dec/99 14:41: /kangaroo/THE_GREAT_DEPRESSION.htm 252: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 02:04: /t/zEACABA.html 248: 0.02%: 29/Dec/99 20:14: /t/zBAEA.html 244: 0.06%: 31/Dec/99 15:12: /kangaroo/Causes.htm 242: 0.04%: 31/Dec/99 08:48: /kangaroo/Links1.html 238: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 17:28: /t/zEACA.html 232: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 11:06: /t/vanillaExplain.html 226: 0.03%: 30/Dec/99 14:19: /kangaroo/2before80s.htm 223: 0.08%: 31/Dec/99 20:22: /kangaroo/Aboutme.htm 213: 0.04%: 29/Dec/99 15:15: /t/zFACACA.html 212: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 06:04: /t/zDA.html 212: 0.23%: 31/Dec/99 17:45: /kangaroo/L-hitlerdemo.htm 211: 0.18%: 31/Dec/99 17:33: /kangaroo/L-rights.htm 210: 0.02%: 31/Dec/99 15:37: /t/zCA2.html 210: 0.02%: 29/Dec/99 10:03: /t/zFADABA.html 209: 0.20%: 30/Dec/99 22:52: /kangaroo/Einstein.htm 208: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 20:36: /kangaroo/huppi_mirror_doc.html 205: 0.04%: 31/Dec/99 19:45: /kangaroo/Resume.htm 199: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 18:22: /t/zGA.html 184: : 31/Dec/99 20:36: /kangaroo/huppi_notapp.html 181: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 15:25: /t/zEACABA1.html 177: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 14:15: /kangaroo/HISTORICAL_ECONOMIC_STATISTICS.htm 177: 0.38%: 31/Dec/99 04:26: /kangaroo/L-hitler.htm 177: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 18:11: /t/zFACABA1.html 176: 0.13%: 29/Dec/99 21:27: /kangaroo/3Taxes.htm 174: 0.31%: 31/Dec/99 07:17: /kangaroo/L-spectrumfour.htm 173: 0.13%: 29/Dec/99 09:02: /kangaroo/L-aamodel.htm 173: 0.17%: 29/Dec/99 10:18: /kangaroo/L-harvardberkeley.htm 170: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 10:03: /t/zFADABAAA.html 168: 0.02%: 31/Dec/99 11:07: /t/zFABA.html 168: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 11:09: /t/zFADAAA.html 161: 0.13%: 29/Dec/99 22:39: /kangaroo/5Debt.htm 160: 0.16%: 31/Dec/99 01:28: /kangaroo/L-bibleconservative.htm 156: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 19:13: /t/zCA1.html 156: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 00:37: /t/zGACA.html 153: 0.19%: 27/Dec/99 05:26: /kangaroo/L-richmerit.htm 152: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 01:45: /t/zDADAAA.html 152: 0.18%: 29/Dec/99 23:41: /kangaroo/Timeline.htm 151: 0.15%: 28/Dec/99 08:50: /kangaroo/L-clintonrightwingconspiracy.html 151: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 00:21: /t/zFAFA.html 151: 0.13%: 31/Dec/99 19:55: /kangaroo/Readinglist.htm 149: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 11:08: /t/zFADA.html 148: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 11:08: /t/zFACA.html 147: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 10:06: /t/zFADABACA.html 147: 0.22%: 31/Dec/99 03:51: /kangaroo/glossaryjn.htm 146: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 04:44: /t/zEAAA.html 145: 0.22%: 31/Dec/99 03:48: /kangaroo/glossaryac.htm 144: 0.09%: 31/Dec/99 21:28: /kangaroo/The_Year_2000.html 142: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 22:59: /kangaroo/GOVERNMENT_SUCCESS_STORIES.htm 139: 0.08%: 27/Dec/99 01:09: /kangaroo/Quotes-fools.htm 138: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 11:43: /t/zGADA4.html 138: 0.31%: 30/Dec/99 10:45: /kangaroo/L-gunownership.htm 137: 0.14%: 31/Dec/99 08:48: /kangaroo/Links.htm 137: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 14:02: /t/zDACAAA.html 137: 0.06%: 31/Dec/99 20:25: /kangaroo/Quotes-media.htm 137: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 21:15: /t/zBAEAAA.html 137: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 22:04: /t/zFACABA.html 136: 0.12%: 29/Dec/99 21:54: /kangaroo/6Economy.htm 136: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 17:35: /kangaroo/9Summary.htm 135: 0.07%: 27/Dec/99 16:38: /kangaroo/L-reversediscrimination.htm 134: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 02:20: /t/zEACAAA.html 132: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 03:36: /t/zGACAAA.html 131: 0.15%: 29/Dec/99 20:33: /kangaroo/glossaryrz.htm 128: 0.18%: 29/Dec/99 15:28: /kangaroo/L-spectrumfive.htm 128: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 12:31: /t/zGADA3.html 128: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 08:29: /t/zGADA1.html 125: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 22:51: /t/zBADA.html 123: 0.09%: 29/Dec/99 21:38: /kangaroo/7Welfare.htm 123: 0.02%: 29/Dec/99 19:43: /kangaroo/Quotes-politics.htm 123: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 13:12: /t/zDAAA.html 122: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 12:25: /t/zGADA2.html 122: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 04:14: /t/zFACACA1.html 120: 0.13%: 28/Dec/99 17:28: /kangaroo/L-PowerDistribution.html 118: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 16:54: /kangaroo/Pinto.htm 118: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 20:24: /kangaroo/Response.htm 118: 0.17%: 28/Dec/99 17:36: /kangaroo/L-governmentsize.html 117: 0.14%: 31/Dec/99 18:25: /kangaroo/Activism.htm 117: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 02:07: /t/zEAAAAA.html 117: 0.09%: 30/Dec/99 01:01: /kangaroo/Inequality&Health.htm 117: 0.08%: 31/Dec/99 09:47: /kangaroo/L-liberalism.htm 115: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 17:55: /kangaroo/L-chimain.htm 115: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 18:20: /t/zDACA.html 114: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 16:38: /kangaroo/L-aaquotas.htm 114: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 03:20: /t/zFAFA1.html 111: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 00:12: /t/zFAEA.html 111: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 21:35: /kangaroo/GDP.htm 111: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 07:18: /t/zBAAA.html 111: 0.12%: 26/Dec/99 21:35: /kangaroo/glossarydi.htm 111: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 12:02: /kangaroo/Quotes-age.htm 110: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 21:14: /t/zCAAA.html 109: 0.06%: 30/Dec/99 16:26: /kangaroo/Quotes-religion.htm 109: 0.02%: 22/Dec/99 14:29: /kangaroo/Quotes-censorship.html 109: 0.03%: 23/Dec/99 14:19: /kangaroo/44More.htm 108: 0.12%: 26/Dec/99 21:54: /kangaroo/L-bibleforbids.htm 108: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 22:04: /kangaroo/Quotes-war.htm 108: 0.07%: 29/Dec/99 03:41: /kangaroo/Marketfailures.htm 107: 0.13%: 29/Dec/99 15:59: /kangaroo/Quotes-economics.htm 107: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 12:05: /t/zGABA.html 106: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 20:32: /kangaroo/Quotes-humannature.htm 106: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 18:24: /t/zCAEA.html 106: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 21:41: /t/zBAEADA.html 106: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 21:19: /kangaroo/Quotes-democracy.htm 105: 0.05%: 31/Dec/99 10:06: /t/zFADABABA.html 104: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 18:23: /t/zCADA.html 104: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 21:28: /t/zBAEABA.html 104: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 22:35: /t/zBABA.html 104: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 15:54: /t/zCACA.html 103: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 15:49: /t/zGAAA.html 103: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 22:22: /kangaroo/L-gunskill.htm 102: 0.05%: 27/Dec/99 16:13: /kangaroo/L-abortion.htm 101: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 10:47: /kangaroo/Quotes-philosophy.htm 101: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 23:53: /kangaroo/Quotes-crime.htm 101: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 02:00: /t/zDAEABA.html 101: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 03:25: /t/zFAFA2.html 100: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 22:53: /kangaroo/L-switzerland.htm 100: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 03:42: /t/zEACADA.html 100: 0.01%: 22/Dec/99 11:58: /kangaroo/Quotes-miscellaneous.htm 100: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 04:04: /t/zEAAAAAAA.html 99: 0.04%: 30/Dec/99 17:26: /kangaroo/L-west.htm 98: 0.08%: 29/Dec/99 23:49: /kangaroo/L-propertyrights.htm 98: 0.18%: 26/Dec/99 22:50: /kangaroo/L-vouchers.htm 97: 0.01%: 21/Dec/99 21:33: /kangaroo/Quotes-feminism.htm 97: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 10:26: /t/springs/ 95: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 20:13: /kangaroo/Quotes-massmovements.htm 94: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 01:09: /t/zDAAAAA.html 94: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 22:15: /t/zBAFA.html 93: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 00:45: /t/zFACABA2.html 92: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 04:07: /t/zEAAAAABA.html 92: 0.03%: 28/Dec/99 13:11: /kangaroo/L-welfaremarriages.htm 91: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 23:32: /t/zDAEA.html 91: 0.01%: 21/Dec/99 21:24: /kangaroo/Quotes-cooperation.htm 90: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 02:52: /t/zFABABA.html 90: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 01:53: /t/zDAEAAA.html 90: 0.10%: 28/Dec/99 11:28: /kangaroo/L-nosociety.htm 89: 0.11%: 31/Dec/99 17:26: /kangaroo/L-bellcurvescience.htm 89: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 00:20: /t/zDACABA.html 89: 0.02%: 31/Dec/99 03:20: /t/zFACACAAA.html 89: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 03:10: /t/zFAEAAA.html 89: 0.03%: 28/Dec/99 09:05: /kangaroo/L-clintoncorrupt.html 88: 0.01%: 27/Dec/99 01:08: /kangaroo/Quotes-cranks.htm 88: 0.13%: 30/Dec/99 13:18: /kangaroo/L-guncontrol.htm 87: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 21:46: /kangaroo/L-democracy.htm 87: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 20:13: /t/zBACA.html 86: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 13:41: /kangaroo/L-christianrepublic.htm 86: 0.06%: 29/Dec/99 20:46: /kangaroo/L-socialbreakdown.htm 86: 0.15%: 31/Dec/99 15:18: /kangaroo/L-poorcrime.htm 86: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 04:30: /kangaroo/L-welfareblack.htm 85: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 03:31: /t/zGAAAAA.html 85: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 03:15: /t/zFAEABA.html 84: 0.05%: 27/Dec/99 15:59: /kangaroo/L-intentions.htm 84: 0.05%: 30/Dec/99 18:37: /kangaroo/L-CJSpoor.htm 84: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 18:49: /t/zDACACA.html 84: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 17:41: /kangaroo/Quotes-USconstitution.htm 84: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 23:40: /kangaroo/Summary.htm 83: 0.07%: 26/Dec/99 23:17: /kangaroo/L-thinktank.htm 83: 0.06%: 29/Dec/99 11:49: /kangaroo/L-carterreagan.htm 83: 0.07%: 29/Dec/99 20:36: /kangaroo/glossaryoq.htm 81: 0.07%: 31/Dec/99 23:27: /kangaroo/L-IQgapgenetic.htm 81: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 17:09: /kangaroo/L-welfaretrap.htm 81: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 23:09: /t/zDABA.html 80: 0.06%: 31/Dec/99 18:14: /kangaroo/L-clintonperjury.html 80: : 30/Dec/99 18:37: /kangaroo/Quotes-pragmatism.htm 80: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 11:59: /t/zFACACA2.html 80: 0.15%: 30/Dec/99 01:50: /kangaroo/L-bibleatrocities.html 80: 0.05%: 30/Dec/99 07:59: /kangaroo/L-morrel.htm 79: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 23:20: /kangaroo/L-earnedmoney.htm 79: 0.13%: 29/Dec/99 12:43: /kangaroo/L-gold.htm 79: 0.02%: 31/Dec/99 16:35: /t/zFABAAA.html 78: : 30/Dec/99 18:37: /kangaroo/Quotes-merit.htm 78: 0.08%: 30/Dec/99 16:30: /kangaroo/L-pc.html 78: 0.04%: 29/Dec/99 15:27: /kangaroo/L-globalwarming.htm 77: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 18:20: /t/zDADA.html 77: 0.04%: 30/Dec/99 07:13: /kangaroo/Quotes-sciencevsreligion.htm 77: 0.16%: 26/Dec/99 22:24: /kangaroo/L-kellermann.htm 77: 0.03%: 30/Dec/99 06:01: /kangaroo/Quotes-science.htm 77: 0.04%: 29/Dec/99 13:57: /kangaroo/L-spectrumthree.htm 76: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 21:47: /kangaroo/L-reverence.htm 75: 0.09%: 28/Dec/99 18:09: /kangaroo/L-socialism.htm 75: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 11:36: /kangaroo/L-welfarequeen.htm 75: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 22:46: /kangaroo/L-standardliving.htm 75: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 21:48: /kangaroo/L-amendment10.html 75: : 21/Dec/99 21:35: /kangaroo/Quotes-health.htm 74: 0.06%: 30/Dec/99 14:55: /kangaroo/L-taxgrowth.htm 74: 0.05%: 26/Dec/99 22:04: /kangaroo/L-inferiorIQ.htm 73: 0.01%: 28/Dec/99 15:20: /kangaroo/L-thermodynamics.htm 73: 0.07%: 28/Dec/99 10:30: /kangaroo/L-contract.htm 73: 0.07%: 28/Dec/99 12:05: /kangaroo/L-welfarecharity.htm 72: : 30/Dec/99 19:19: /kangaroo/L-carsalesmen.html 72: 0.05%: 28/Dec/99 10:44: /kangaroo/L-fortyyears.htm 71: 0.01%: 27/Dec/99 15:20: /kangaroo/L-ausmain.htm 71: 0.05%: 30/Dec/99 18:37: /kangaroo/L-healthcare.htm 71: 0.12%: 29/Dec/99 16:48: /kangaroo/L-exploit.htm 71: 0.07%: 28/Dec/99 11:37: /kangaroo/L-corporatewelfare.htm 70: 0.08%: 30/Dec/99 01:46: /kangaroo/L-spectrumone.htm 70: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 18:09: /kangaroo/L-evolutiontheory.htm 70: 0.10%: 26/Dec/99 23:37: /kangaroo/L-welfarepoverty.htm 70: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 08:38: /kangaroo/L-NBA.htm 70: 0.06%: 28/Dec/99 11:27: /kangaroo/L-chiintro.htm 70: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 00:13: /kangaroo/Quotes-property.htm 70: 0.04%: 30/Dec/99 18:32: /kangaroo/L-clintonstarr.html 70: 0.05%: 28/Dec/99 21:50: /kangaroo/L-libmedia.htm 69: 0.04%: 26/Dec/99 22:38: /kangaroo/L-privatization.htm 69: 0.11%: 31/Dec/99 04:27: /kangaroo/L-sciencechristianity.htm 69: 0.04%: 28/Dec/99 10:54: /kangaroo/L-taxestheft.htm 68: 0.03%: 31/Dec/99 10:54: /kangaroo/L-sat.htm 68: 0.07%: 28/Dec/99 13:40: /kangaroo/L-toughcrime.htm 68: 0.04%: 28/Dec/99 10:50: /kangaroo/L-creationscience.htm 67: : 29/Sep/99 13:08: /mwsm/ 67: 0.05%: 31/Dec/99 03:44: /kangaroo/rrr.htm 67: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 18:32: /kangaroo/L-welfaretrillions.htm 67: 0.09%: 27/Dec/99 16:17: /kangaroo/L-personhood.htm 66: 0.04%: 26/Dec/99 21:48: /kangaroo/L-plainmeaning.htm 66: 0.04%: 28/Dec/99 16:44: /kangaroo/L-doomsday.htm 65: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 11:49: /kangaroo/L-welfarelazy.htm 65: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 15:07: /kangaroo/L-murderersalive.htm 65: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 22:44: /kangaroo/L-recession1982.htm 65: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 18:37: /t/zDABACA.html 64: : 29/Dec/99 04:00: /t/zDAEABA4.html 64: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 21:56: /kangaroo/L-abortiontrauma.htm 64: 0.02%: 29/Dec/99 13:21: /kangaroo/L-welfarejobs.htm 64: 0.09%: 28/Dec/99 15:47: /kangaroo/L-homoeconomicus.htm 63: 0.06%: 26/Dec/99 21:58: /kangaroo/L-aahelp.htm 63: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 00:53: /t/zBACAAA.html 63: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 23:53: /kangaroo/L-murderersdeserve.htm 63: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 04:01: /kangaroo/L-qualified.htm 63: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 23:10: /kangaroo/L-poorfat.htm 63: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 20:24: /kangaroo/credits.htm 62: 0.03%: 28/Dec/99 16:31: /kangaroo/L-capitalgains.htm 62: 0.06%: 26/Dec/99 22:59: /kangaroo/L-environheal.htm 62: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 01:16: /t/zDABABA.html 61: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 04:23: /kangaroo/L-endmeans.htm 61: 0.04%: 22/Dec/99 10:39: /kangaroo/Governmentsuccesses.htm 61: 0.06%: 28/Dec/99 09:33: /kangaroo/L-clintondeserve.html 61: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 21:17: /t/code/pms/ 60: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 05:01: /kangaroo/40More.htm 60: : 29/Dec/99 03:46: /t/zDAEAAA2.html 60: 0.03%: 23/Dec/99 08:51: /kangaroo/L-chinairu.htm 60: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 23:04: /kangaroo/L-intelligentdesign.htm 59: 0.05%: 26/Dec/99 22:39: /kangaroo/L-growth.htm 58: : 27/Dec/99 04:02: /kangaroo/Msub04.htm 58: 0.05%: 18/Dec/99 11:46: /kangaroo/L-chimeth.htm 58: 0.02%: 29/Dec/99 12:01: /kangaroo/Events1920s.htm 58: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 22:45: /kangaroo/L-demodeficit.htm 58: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 22:48: /kangaroo/L-dropout.htm 57: : 29/Dec/99 01:31: /t/zDABADA.html 57: : 31/Dec/99 10:26: /t/zDAEAAA1.html 57: 0.13%: 23/Dec/99 17:16: /kangaroo/L-chicoase.htm 57: 0.03%: 28/Dec/99 13:12: /kangaroo/L-runawaywelfare.htm 57: 0.08%: 26/Dec/99 21:40: /kangaroo/L-spectrumtwo.htm 56: 0.03%: 30/Dec/99 11:34: /kangaroo/L-IQpredicts.htm 56: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 22:00: /kangaroo/L-aagroups.htm 56: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 17:18: /kangaroo/L-taxshare.htm 56: 0.05%: 29/Dec/99 15:00: /kangaroo/L-envirocapitalism.htm 56: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 22:11: /kangaroo/L-morality.htm 55: : 31/Dec/99 06:46: /t/zDAEABA1.html 55: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 01:02: /t/zBACABA.html 55: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 15:27: /kangaroo/L-15point.htm 55: 0.04%: 31/Dec/99 23:50: /kangaroo/L-taxcollections.htm 54: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 22:48: /kangaroo/L-edumoney.htm 54: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 12:47: /kangaroo/GDPreal.htm 53: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 23:27: /kangaroo/L-welfareincentive.htm 53: 0.02%: 28/Dec/99 00:27: /kangaroo/AboutFAQ.htm 53: 0.03%: 25/Dec/99 07:46: /kangaroo/L-chikeynes.htm 53: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 22:37: /kangaroo/L-deregulation.htm 53: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 10:49: /kangaroo/Msub23.htm 52: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 00:53: /kangaroo/Msub31.htm 52: : 30/Dec/99 12:51: /kangaroo/UnemploymentRate.htm 52: 0.04%: 26/Dec/99 23:17: /kangaroo/L-thinkingchristians.htm 52: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 17:41: /kangaroo/21More.htm 52: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 14:15: /kangaroo/Inflation&CPI.htm 51: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 23:22: /kangaroo/L-capgainsspur.htm 51: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 22:07: /kangaroo/L-clintoninvestigation.html 51: 0.07%: 31/Dec/99 09:31: /kangaroo/L-intervention.htm 51: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 03:05: /kangaroo/46More.htm 50: : 29/Dec/99 03:57: /t/zDAEABA3.html 50: 0.02%: 18/Dec/99 14:20: /kangaroo/22More.htm 50: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 23:27: /kangaroo/L-welfaremothers.htm 50: : 29/Dec/99 03:54: /t/zDAEABA2.html 50: 0.03%: 23/Dec/99 21:00: /kangaroo/L-chimonetarism.htm 50: 0.04%: 26/Dec/99 23:18: /kangaroo/L-poll.html 50: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 23:04: /kangaroo/L-creationconspiracy.htm 50: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 22:38: /kangaroo/L-presidentsresponsible.htm 50: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 22:49: /kangaroo/L-collegeglut.htm 49: 0.06%: 26/Dec/99 00:48: /kangaroo/Keynesianism.htm 48: 0.03%: 22/Dec/99 10:47: /kangaroo/Privatization.htm 48: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 22:07: /kangaroo/FedReceipts&Spending.htm 48: : 13/Dec/99 15:08: /kangaroo/GDPgrowth.htm 48: 0.02%: 20/Dec/99 19:27: /kangaroo/TaxTimeline.htm 48: 0.04%: 25/Dec/99 03:29: /kangaroo/L-chilucas.htm 47: 0.03%: 22/Dec/99 10:44: /kangaroo/Invisible.htm 47: 0.03%: 30/Dec/99 15:57: /kangaroo/L-ozone.htm 46: 0.02%: 30/Dec/99 12:50: /kangaroo/Historicalinequality.htm 46: : 30/Dec/99 12:50: /kangaroo/Povertyrate.htm 46: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 14:45: /kangaroo/86More.htm 46: 0.05%: 26/Dec/99 23:15: /kangaroo/L-commonsense.htm 44: 0.02%: 29/Dec/99 08:33: /kangaroo/L-environcreation.htm 44: 0.10%: 24/Dec/99 22:38: /kangaroo/L-chichile.htm 43: 0.04%: 28/Dec/99 16:00: /kangaroo/L-oldliberalmedia.htm 43: 0.01%: 23/Dec/99 22:44: /kangaroo/Fedpercent.htm 43: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 11:49: /kangaroo/42More.htm 43: 0.03%: 29/Dec/99 13:21: /kangaroo/L-mobility.htm 43: 0.01%: 15/Dec/99 19:14: /kangaroo/56More.htm 42: 0.03%: 20/Dec/99 22:18: /kangaroo/43More.htm 42: : 31/Dec/99 08:20: /kangaroo/Wages.htm 41: 0.01%: 18/Dec/99 12:06: /kangaroo/SmootHawley.htm 41: 0.02%: 21/Dec/99 18:10: /kangaroo/32More.htm 41: 0.01%: 29/Dec/99 16:56: /kangaroo/Msub10.htm 41: 0.04%: 24/Dec/99 07:20: /kangaroo/L-chinobel.htm 40: 0.03%: 26/Dec/99 23:16: /kangaroo/L-consensus.htm 40: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 15:22: /kangaroo/L-aussm.htm 40: 0.01%: 19/Dec/99 10:39: /kangaroo/awards.htm 40: : 30/Dec/99 06:54: /kangaroo/Msub18.htm 40: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 21:06: /kangaroo/L-aussa.htm 40: 0.04%: 14/Dec/99 03:35: /kangaroo/49More.htm 40: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 08:09: /kangaroo/L-clintonjonesperjury.html 40: : 31/Dec/99 03:45: /kangaroo/Msub26.htm 39: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 18:07: /kangaroo/Coup.htm 39: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 15:21: /kangaroo/L-ausintro.htm 39: : 26/Dec/99 14:38: /kangaroo/83More.htm 38: 0.05%: 30/Dec/99 21:27: /t/springs/or_page.html 38: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 15:23: /kangaroo/L-ausmi.htm 38: : 30/Dec/99 10:10: /kangaroo/87More.htm 37: 0.01%: 25/Dec/99 10:45: /kangaroo/Pathdependency.htm 37: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 15:24: /kangaroo/L-ausmon.htm 37: : 30/Dec/99 20:13: /kangaroo/Msub05.htm 37: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 15:24: /kangaroo/L-aushist.htm 36: 0.02%: 14/Dec/99 12:51: /kangaroo/491More.htm 36: 0.03%: 20/Dec/99 22:17: /kangaroo/45More.htm 35: 0.01%: 31/Dec/99 10:58: /kangaroo/51More.htm 35: 0.02%: 27/Dec/99 15:24: /kangaroo/L-auspoli.htm 35: 0.02%: 14/Dec/99 09:48: /kangaroo/41More.htm 35: 0.01%: 20/Dec/99 19:26: /kangaroo/CompReceipts.htm 35: : 31/Dec/99 04:01: /kangaroo/RatioWorkforce.htm 35: : 13/Dec/99 01:32: /kangaroo/84More.htm 35: : 10/Dec/99 19:28: /kangaroo/48More.htm 35: 0.01%: 27/Dec/99 15:24: /kangaroo/L-ausmp.htm 35: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 16:41: /kangaroo/Collections.htm 35: : 30/Dec/99 22:05: /kangaroo/Msub24.htm 34: : 29/Dec/99 01:44: /kangaroo/Msub06.htm 34: : 20/Dec/99 19:33: /kangaroo/Capacity.htm 34: : 30/Dec/99 10:44: /kangaroo/Msub28.htm 33: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 09:31: /kangaroo/L-clintonaloneperjury.html 33: : 13/Dec/99 07:51: /kangaroo/Msub02.htm 33: 0.01%: 27/Dec/99 15:24: /kangaroo/L-ausgold.htm 33: : 31/Dec/99 06:28: /kangaroo/Msub12.htm 33: : 30/Dec/99 10:43: /kangaroo/Msub01.htm 33: 0.02%: 26/Dec/99 09:12: /kangaroo/L-clintonaffidavitperjury.html 33: : 11/Dec/99 09:51: /kangaroo/82More.htm 33: : 11/Dec/99 12:19: /kangaroo/Msub33.htm 33: : 30/Dec/99 15:11: /kangaroo/Msub15.htm 32: 0.01%: 27/Dec/99 15:23: /kangaroo/L-ausms.htm 32: : 29/Dec/99 11:57: /kangaroo/Msub09.htm 32: : 31/Dec/99 05:52: /kangaroo/Msub16.htm 32: : 31/Dec/99 08:48: /kangaroo/Msub32.htm 32: 0.01%: 13/Dec/99 08:32: /kangaroo/Lovecanal.htm 32: : 26/Dec/99 08:50: /kangaroo/L-clintongiftperjury.html 31: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 16:42: /kangaroo/L-pollutioncomparisons.htm 31: 0.01%: 27/Dec/99 15:23: /kangaroo/L-ausstat.htm 31: : 29/Dec/99 01:42: /kangaroo/Msub315.htm 30: : 29/Dec/99 22:32: /kangaroo/Msub14.htm 30: : 24/Dec/99 04:32: /kangaroo/CombinedReceipts.htm 30: 0.01%: 25/Dec/99 05:25: /kangaroo/Prisonerdilemma.htm 29: : 15/Dec/99 21:24: /t/zBAEACAAA.html 29: : 13/Dec/99 17:59: /kangaroo/Msub07.htm 29: : 31/Dec/99 08:49: /kangaroo/Msub30.htm 29: : 11/Dec/99 06:57: /kangaroo/Msub03.htm 29: : 30/Dec/99 10:35: /kangaroo/Msub19.htm 29: 0.02%: 24/Dec/99 08:38: /kangaroo/63More.htm 29: 0.01%: 30/Dec/99 04:38: /kangaroo/Msub17.htm 29: : 13/Dec/99 19:20: /kangaroo/Msub08.htm 29: : 11/Dec/99 14:22: /kangaroo/62More.htm 28: 0.01%: 22/Dec/99 22:56: /kangaroo/61More.htm 28: : 30/Dec/99 12:20: /kangaroo/Msub20.htm 28: : 26/Dec/99 08:29: /kangaroo/L-clintondateperjury.html 28: : 29/Dec/99 12:44: /kangaroo/Agency1932.htm 28: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 11:35: /kangaroo/Fed.htm 28: 0.01%: 20/Dec/99 22:16: /kangaroo/47More.htm 28: : 13/Dec/99 11:53: /kangaroo/72More.htm 28: 0.01%: 25/Dec/99 13:03: /kangaroo/Minimumwage.htm 27: : 29/Dec/99 20:42: /kangaroo/Msub13.htm 27: : 30/Dec/99 10:43: /kangaroo/Msub11.htm 27: : 31/Dec/99 06:12: /kangaroo/Msub27.htm 27: : 12/Dec/99 08:03: /kangaroo/Msub34.htm 27: 0.01%: 13/Dec/99 01:26: /kangaroo/55More.htm 27: : 13/Dec/99 01:10: /kangaroo/81More.htm 27: : 13/Dec/99 18:15: /kangaroo/54More.htm 27: : 11/Dec/99 01:56: /kangaroo/53More.htm 26: : 30/Dec/99 17:11: /kangaroo/Msub22.htm 26: 0.01%: 20/Dec/99 07:19: /kangaroo/West.htm 26: 0.01%: 26/Dec/99 11:38: /kangaroo/First100days.htm 26: : 11/Dec/99 17:23: /kangaroo/Msub29.htm 26: : 30/Dec/99 13:42: /kangaroo/Msub21.htm 25: : 11/Dec/99 09:45: /kangaroo/52More.htm 25: : 30/Dec/99 23:59: /kangaroo/Msub25.htm 25: : 26/Dec/99 12:59: /kangaroo/Acts1934.htm 25: : 26/Dec/99 11:20: /kangaroo/Acts1932.htm 25: 0.01%: 23/Dec/99 21:56: /kangaroo/Baybridge.htm 25: : 13/Dec/99 11:55: /kangaroo/71More.htm 24: : 26/Dec/99 12:29: /kangaroo/Acts1933.htm 24: : 26/Dec/99 13:13: /kangaroo/Sweden.htm 23: 0.01%: 13/Dec/99 11:47: /kangaroo/85More.htm 23: : 26/Dec/99 13:42: /kangaroo/Acts1935.htm 23: 0.04%: 14/Dec/99 08:16: /kangaroo/L-flawedcato.htm 22: : 11/Dec/99 11:38: /kangaroo/Msub035.htm 22: : 29/Dec/99 12:23: /kangaroo/Acts1936.htm 22: : 26/Dec/99 12:11: /kangaroo/Agencies1933.htm 21: : 26/Dec/99 12:44: /kangaroo/Agencies1934.htm 20: : 26/Dec/99 14:05: /kangaroo/Acts1938.htm 95437: 51.63%: 31/Dec/99 23:50: [not listed: 1,702 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: site ------: ---- 112236: http://www.huppi.com/ 77938: http://www.abode.com/ 3390: http://www.altavista.com/ 636: http://www.webtop.com/ 521: http://www.google.com/ 492: http://search.excite.com/ 401: http://google.netscape.com/ 348: http://search.msn.com/ 288: http://huppi.com/ 286: http://www.spiritone.com/ 281: http://ink.yahoo.com/ 214: http://netfind.aol.com/ 210: http://clusterone.home.mindspring.com/ 203: http://fp.enter.net/ 168: http://www.lycos.com/ 140: http://www.looksmart.com/ 133: http://www.insidetheweb.com/ 132: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/ 127: http://www.bartcop.com/ 125: http://excitesearch.netscape.com/ 123: http://www.northernlight.com/ 114: http://infoseek.go.com/ 106: http://www.columbia.edu/ 92: http://www.cs.tut.fi/ 90: http://www.dogpile.com/ 85: http://search.go2net.com/ 81: http://members.xoom.com/ 81: http://www.geocities.com/ 69: http://www.goto.com/ 68: http://www.askjeeves.com/ 1988: [not listed: 479 sites]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 20 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term ----: ----------- 258: hp48gx 149: fzr400 142: supply side economics 113: vw diesel 80: steve kangas 77: yamaha fzr400 70: hitler quotes 63: liberalism resurgent 51: chainsaw carvings 48: tliste 44: indian totem 42: bristol bay 41: chainsaw bears 40: diesel mechanic 38: hardy cross 37: ford pinto 35: bird carving 32: liberalism 31: vw bus 29: hp48gx calculator 4857: [not listed: 3,211 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 20 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term -----: ----------- 449: vw 442: and 419: hp48gx 358: of 339: the 310: diesel 241: fzr400 240: chainsaw 216: economics 189: supply 181: side 168: liberalism 163: bay 162: depression 161: bristol 160: in 158: great 155: quotes 133: hitler 111: for 13489: [not listed: 3,036 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 20 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: browser ------: ------- 127350: MSIE 81852: Netscape 3384: Netscape (compatible) 2855: Gulliver 2678: FAST-WebCrawler 2367: Scooter 1555: ArchitextSpider 1442: Googlebot 1436: pavuk-0.9pl13 i686-pc-linux-gnu 1415: WebTV 1219: Offline Explorer 808: Slurp.so 485: Lynx 480: ia_archiver 374: fuckoff 366: Opera 364: Nutella 314: EchO! 313: WiseWire-Spider 304: Slurp 2558: [not listed: 141 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report)
Listing operating systems with at least 1 request, sorted by the number of requests.
no.: reqs: OS ---: ------: -- 1: 192342: Windows : 81680: Windows 95 : 72086: Windows 98 : 32963: Windows NT : 1863: Windows 3.1 : 1763: Windows 32-bit : 1462: Windows 16-bit : 522: Unknown Windows : 3: Windows CE 2: 22655: OS unknown 3: 11708: Macintosh : 10834: Macintosh PowerPC : 869: Macintosh 68k : 5: Unknown Macintosh 4: 5536: Unix : 2644: Linux : 1130: SunOS : 1050: FreeBSD : 235: HP-UX : 196: IRIX : 193: AIX : 80: Other Unix : 6: BSD/OS : 1: OpenBSD : 1: NetBSD 5: 1418: WebTV 6: 191: OS/2 7: 50: RISC OS 8: 10: Amiga 9: 9: BeOS
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