I enjoy reader responses and make it a point to answer virtually
all my e-mail. Below is just a
small sample of the letters I get, with
the hate mail mixed in with the fan mail in no particular order.
Except for abridgements (which are indicated), all letters are
reproduced intact, complete with spelling, grammar and punctuation
errors. As a general rule, the liberal mail I receive is much more
educated and error-free than conservative mail, as you will see. Enjoy.
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 13:04:36 -0800
From: Andy Haber <>
Subject: Thank You
Dear Steve,
I just stumbled across your "Liberalism Resurgent" site while doing an
Alta Vista search. I am blown away by this site!! It will take me a
little while to do it, but you can be assured I will explore it
thoroughly. I will also be printing out selected sections (with
attribution) for distribution to friends who do not have internet
access. You are really to be commended for the obvious time and effort
you have put into this educational project. I hope this site will be up
and active for a long time to come. In this period of conservative
resurgence, we need more voices such as your own.
Andy Haber
Atlanta, Georgia
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 18:45:11 -0500
From: Rafe B.
Subject: yer web site
Each time I check out your web site I'm more
impressed. I'm speechless...
The amount of original research is unbelievable.
The diversity of topics covered is remarkable.
The organization makes the contents readily
How did you manage to produce such a work and
still have a life?
rafe b.
Steve's note: fighting the good fight is my life...
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 13:05:12 -0500
From: "James H. Shott" <>
Subject: Liberal page
Mr. Kangas,
I came upon your web page in searching for some sources for a discussion
on the All Politics BB.
I am far more conservative than liberal, so even if I disagree with your
philosophy, I commend you for the effort. You've done an excellent job
compiling and organizing the resources in an intelligent and thoughtful
manner, and I congratulate you.
James H. Shott
Bluefield, Virginia
The following message was posted to an interactive bulletin board at "Turn Left."
Dogma to Madison ()
March 11, 1997 (10:36)
I tend to think of myself as a skeptic. I don't believe most of what I hear,
and even less of what I read on the Internet. When I look for evidence on
the web I have four important criteria: 1. Are the conclusions backed up by
fully sourced statistics? 2. Can the statistics be corroborated? 3. Is the
analysis used to arrive at these conclusions explained? 4. Does it make sense?
Steve Kangas site is one of the few places that meet all four of these
criteria. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find a single Supply-side or
Reaganomics site that even meets 2 out of 4. If you know of such a site,
please post the URL.
From: Tredex Preferred Customer <>
To: "''" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 21:23:39 -0500
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This site is absolutely WONDERFUL!
I am a high school history and government teacher, and this site
will be a terrific resource for me. And personally, I love your
philosophy! Your arguments are sound and well-reasoned, and I
will be using them in debates with the many conservatives with
whom I work. Again, thanks for what you have done!
Robin P. McAlexander
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 21:48:48 -0700
From: J R Jahanbani <>
Subject: Good for the heart
You have done my little heart good tonite, my friend. For YEARS,
I've felt in my gut that most of the conservative rhetoric was BS,
but now you've given me the stats to back it up! ...
I've printed up a great deal of your pages for more detailed
reading. I don't know yet why you took the time and made the effort
to put this together, but thanks for it. And hooray for the WWW that
brought it my way in lieu of television news!
Jan J
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 15:07:46 -0500
Mr. Kangas,
This is an excellent website. I will recommend this to others.
What is particularly nice is the comprehensiveness of the
data and subject matter. It is very rare to find all of this
in one place even in hard copy, and that you have this on the
Web is particularly gratifying.
Again, you've done a great job, and I very much appreciate
this resource.
--Paul Stoyke
Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 05:21:17 -0700
From: Randy Barnes <>
You are a very intelligent IDIOT!!
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 09:00:00 -0500
Subject: Re: The taxes you pay are *your* money?
You ignorant sonofabitch, where do you suppose the goverment gets the money
to pay ffor all of these benefits that you seem to know a hell off a lot
The following letter is one of the funniest I have ever received.
A little background: the day before, I had been arguing with a
dittohead on the Internet. He had quoted some of Rush Limbaugh's
historical revisionism of the Reagan years, and I responded with
a highly detailed list of statistics from this website that refuted
his claims. Apparently
some other conservatives on the net were embarrassed by the dittohead's
poor showing, for they attempted to rebuke him by e-mail. However,
in a comedy of errors, they accidentally sent the letter to me!
Read for yourself their own assessment of Limbaugh:
Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 13:59:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Frank R. Rizzo"
Subject: your not much one for the conservative cause
Hey a buddy of mine recently sent me a post of yours to politics news group.
If you want I could recommend some good books for you to read to help
further the conservative cause. Right now you do more harm than good. That
guy Rush is preaching to the choir. And he uses misleading info 95% of the
time so he will never convert the people in the middle. That's why no one
who seriously discusses policy issues takes anything this man says
seriously. You should distance yourself from him as much as possible.
Conservatives like us need to stick togther. let me know if you want my
Date: Tue, 07 May 1996 13:50:09 -0700
From: Glenn Tinseth <>
Wow, Steve, what an awesome resource. You've gathered a ton of
statistics and references in one place--I will visit often...
Thanks again for the excellent work,
From: "Tom Rhoads" <>
Subject: liberal tenets
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 21:40:19 -0700
I have a few point about your tenets on Liberalism. May I call
you Captain instead of Kangaroo. I am a Conservative and I
have read your tenets. I am not going to pull pieces of the
article for specific criticism but I will just comment on what
I think I am hearing you say.
Most people believe in the idea of "Free Enterprise" as an ideal. The
Liberal sees uncontrolled business free to do anything it wants...
You make the mistake in believing that business is uncontrolled.
Competition is the only force to control "Free Enterprise". If you
have a very popular Steak House and your customers get sick and die.
If the news media doesn't do their job the competition will...
The only examples of Free Enterprise are all illegal. But Drug dealing
illustrates what happens when you have something approaching "Free
Now you can argue about crime but the job shortage is the fault of
government... Just imagine the Free Enterprise system applying to
everyone instead of just the criminal element. Now I know you are
having a knee jerk reaction, (It wont work), right?, let me
remind you the drug business is thriving...
Well I am getting to wordy you will probable not read this anyway.
But if you have some criticisms or would like to discuss this further,
I can tell you how to make us all rich. No not the Drug Business.
Tom Rhoads………
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 96 19:17:40 UT
From: "Maneesh Bhatnagar" <>
Subject: Well written lies
Hi, Steve
A bunch of well written lies but communist at its heart...
You stand for the losers while the conservatives stand for the
By the way I am a minority and would never reeceive government handouts. I
will be a millionaire and make it on my own and convert more and more
minorities to the conservative causes by personal example not false
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 96 15:13:37 UT
From: "Maneesh Bhatnagar" <>
To: "Steve Kangas" <>
I am sure you have heard about the AMWAY business. I am a successful
distributor and will become a millionaire in about
5 years time.
Maneesh Bhatnagar
From: "Dreamseeker" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 08:31:22 -0600
I just wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU. You have no idea how much
your page has helped me. I am attending FAU as a Social Work major, and the
write ups you have on welfare have assisted me in quite a few of my papers.
Thank you for taking the time to develop this page.
With appreciation
From: Mindy Moore <>
Date: Sun, 01 Dec 96 15:42:16 -800
Subject: Great Web-Page!!
Hey there,
I'm a sophomore at Poudre High School in Fort Collins, CO.
In my American History class we are currently going over
The Great Depression. I have a report due, and I used this web
page as my main resource. It is very informative, and I think
it gave the most useful facts. I love how it's down to the point,
and it doesn't drag on with a bunch of philosophy.
I guess this page was also very easy to understand, and
easy to use. I'm not the most computer literate person, trust me.
On some pages I'd get so lost, and confused, I wouldn't get
anything useful out of it. Well, not this one!
Well, thanks for providing a useful resource.
Thank you,
Maurissa Moore
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 14:04:09 +0200
Mr. Kangas,
I wanted to congratulate you on your excellent web
site, and thank you for providing a compilation of
these most enlightening statistics. I found your
analysis to be well-researched and well-written
(and it must have been a heckuvalot of work!).
Ross King (an American in Vienna)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 09:17:40 +0200
Dear Mr. Kangas,
You have received praise from me before. However, after recently
revisiting your site and finding your excellent 'Liberal FAQ', I
just had to say again, "Well done!" and keep up the good work!
Ross King
Vienna, Austria
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