Susan Miller...Chainsaw Sculptor

Susan (known to me and several other people as "Mom") is a former school teacher (kindergarten, art, music.) When my sister and I moved out after school, she quit teaching and began making a living doing woodcarvings. Most of her works are done with a chainsaw, and some of them are quite large. Fortunately, she lives in a logging community where large cedar logs are relatively easy to come by. She is a member of the rural volunteer ambulance team and has many friends in the community who keep their eyes open for raw material.

Among the other items that Susan commonly does are signs. A local restaurant in Clatskanie, OR commissioned a whole series of them in which she attempted to depict the local history of the area. She did fine work on the signs, and also many hours research into the relevant material.

Here are some of Susan's Carvings

carousel Some of Susan works are very detailed such as these carousel figures. They are my personal favorites and they take a huge amount of time. Every petal on every flower... 40k html
Bear1 Bears are a staple for most chainsaw artists. At least Susan got to travel to Alaska to carve this one. 78k html
SntaShp Typical work. 50k html
Totem Another more polished peice. When Susan does Indian stuff, she puts some research into the project. Her interest in this area dates back to around '67 when she lived in SE Alaska (where I was born.) 26k .html
Thor This was commisioned by a group of people who have some interest in Scandanavian lore. I was fooling around with my graphics program and put the hat on Mom. 62k .html
Bird This photo doesn't quite capture final appearence of the bird. The paint made it quite striking. 70k .html

On a more personal note, all of the people who know both Susan and I feel compelled to tell me what a great person she is. The reason is simple...She is a great person. Ask anyone :-)

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