Myth: The Chicago School of Economics is a leader in the field.
Fact: The Chicago School has lost academic clout.
The Chicago School of Economics is a hotbed of conservative economics
that has won eight Nobel prizes and considerable influence in
the field. But its stock is rapidly falling. "Monetarism
is dead" is the catch-phrase that economists use to describe
Milton Friedman's monetary theory. Rational Expectations, although
still widely admired, has lost currency in academia. The Coase
theorem has taken a drubbing in the academic literature. Public
Choice theory is so flawed that it actually predicts that people
won't vote. There is also a backlash against the over-reliance
on math and perfect starting assumptions so heavily used by the
Chicago School. Furthermore, the Chicago School tried their economic
policies for sixteen years in near-laboratory conditions in Chile.
The results were exactly what liberals predicted: falling wages
for workers, soaring incomes for the rich, the destruction of
social programs without sufficient replacement, wild swings
in the economy, and some of the worst pollution in the world.
Even the string of Nobel prizes that the Chicago
School has won appears to be the work of Assar Lindbeck, the right-wing
Swedish economist who heads the Nobel prize selection committee
for economics.
The following essays should serve not only as a readable primer to the
Chicago School of Economics, but to the field of economics as
a whole. Enjoy.
The Methodology of the Chicago School
A Review of Keynesian Theory
Milton Friedman and Monetarism
Milton Friedman and the Natural Rate of Unemployment
Robert Lucas and Rational Expectations
Ronald Coase and the Coase Theorem
The Laboratory Test: Chile
All those Nobels
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